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Persuasive Writing: How to Write so People Know What You Want and Do What You Ask

by | Courses for managers, Writing courses for professionals, Writing courses for support staff | 3 comments

Are you frustrated when colleagues or clients don’t read or respond appropriately to your e-mails, reports, requests, or proposals?  Do you find yourself wondering whether people are actually reading the documents you’ve carefully crafted for them? Are you full of good ideas about how to improve things at your workplace but lacking the writing skills to convince others? 

If so, this course will help you learn to write so your readers will understand what you’re asking for and do what you want.  

What you will learn:

  • Strategies for persuading readers
  • How to organize information so readers understand immediately what you want them to do or know
  • How to incorporate supporting information that convinces readers
  • How to anticipate and respond to objections or questions
  • How to write easy-to-follow instructions

Course length
: one day or half day




  1. Hi
    I’m Administrator and want to improve my communication skills in writing. Always get stuck how to structure the email and my self performance review at the end of the year.

    Kindly guide me on improvement on writing course.


  2. Hello, Zan – I do understand why you get stuck! A review of your own performance can be a difficult thing to write. While I don’t have immediate plans to offer this Persuasive Writing course in the next month or so, I do offer one-on-one writing coaching services. I’ll email you separately about that type o training. Thanks!
    Leslie O

  3. Hi there, we are looking to do a few professional business writing courses for our administrative team. Where can we register for them? are there bundles available?

    Thank you in advance for your insight.


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