301-989-9583 info@ewriteonline.com

Virtual And Onsite Training

Need virtual or onsite training?

It’s not either/or. Our writing courses can be onsite, virtual, or both.

We deliver customized writing courses in the format that works best for you:

  • Onsite courses for groups of up to 25. Sessions can be full-day, half-day, or shorter.
  • Live virtual writing courses, delivered in a single session or a series of sessions. (And if you want to record a live virtual session and license it, that works too!)
  • Recorded virtual writing course modules for your employees to complete at their convenience.

Our courses are hands-on and practical
Writing training’s no good if the instructor just talks about writing. Nobody gets better at writing by listening to someone else talk about it. In our courses, participants practice what they’re learning and get feedback right away. (Here’s a little secret: we sometimes give writing homework!)

We offer follow-up one-on-one writing coaching sessions
We offer individualized coaching sessions after the group writing course. During a 30-minute virtual meeting, your employees can get feedback on their own writing, ask their own questions, and build their skills.

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