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We create crisp, clear content to convey your message, in your voice. We work with your experts to get up-to-speed on your product or service then produce web, blog, or newsletter content that hits the mark.


Project Rewrite Yahoo!’s top 100 most frequently used Help Articles (FAQs).Our Assignment Rewrite Yahoo!’s top 100 most frequently used Help Articles (FAQs) to make the writing easy for customers to understand and act upon. Write the Help Articles so they were useful...

Land Trust Alliance: repurpose course workbooks

Project In this ongoing, multi-year project, we have repurposed print materials for 17 courses so the courses can be completed online. Our Assignment Work with Land Trust Alliance staff to develop instructional design requirements and user-friendly navigation for...

African American Pioneer Aviators website

ProjectCreate content for an online exhibit, Black Wings: African American Pioneer Aviators. Our Assignment Repurpose a museum exhibit and companion book to create an online, interactive website with a searchable database of exhibit items. Write overviews for each...

American Presidency website

National Museum of American History's American Presidency website ProjectDevelop interactive activities and lessons for the online exhibit The American Presidency: A Glorious Burden. Our Assignment Develop lesson plans and teaching materials based on exhibit content...

Pan American Health Organization: online writing course

Project Repurpose an instructor-led writing course we'd taught for the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) for ten years so it could be delivered online via PAHO's Intranet. Our Assignment Develop an online, interactive version of the writing course Design...

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