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Business e-mail

Writing Competitive E-Mail

E-mail is a prized tool for small business. It allows you to communicate quickly and frequently with your customer. It doesn't matter that your competitor can afford a fancy logo and expensive stationery. E-mail puts you on an even footing. With e-mail, what you say...

Use E-Mail as a Management Tool

E-mail is so easy that it's commonplace to receive an e-mail instead of having a five-minute conversation with a colleague down the hall or even the person who shares your office. Is this a poor use of e-mail by a colleague too lazy to deliver the information in...

Six Steps to Selling By E-Mail

Free. . . Sale. . . New . . . Hot. . . Act now! These words announce yet another e-mail sales message. We're inundated with e-mail pitches and wary of anything that sounds too good to be true. So, how do you write your e-mail sales messages so customers will open, and...

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