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Web writing

Eight Essential Writing Skills for Techies

We begin this issue with a bold statement: technical people need adequate writing skills.  Though we realize many techies despise writing—“I hated English; that’s why I became an engineer in the first place”—techies in today’s workplace need to be able to write. ...

Tips for an Effective Contact Us Page

By Monte Enbysk, Microsoft Office Live Small Business This article is written about us, not by us!  Many thanks to Microsoft's Monte Enbysk for permission to reprint. One of the hardest-working but most underrated pages of any Web site is the "Contact Us" page. It...

Web Writing for the World: Five Tips On Writing For Global Readers

For many of your users, American English is not their first language. They may be across the world or across the street. If you are doing business on the web, you can't afford to ignore your global readers. How can you welcome these global customers and make your site...

Re-Launch Lessons Learned the Hard Way

We thought we were pretty savvy about web projects. After all, we've worked with numerous clients on their re-launches and we thought we'd learned from their mistakes. So why was our own re-launch as slow and painful as giving birth to a baby elephant? It turns out...

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