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Customer Service Chat by Vizio: Some Answers, But No Help

Customer service chat is popular with companies and customers alike. It's easy, it's quick, and it works well on mobile devices. But easy and popular doesn't always equal good. Read this chat with customer service agent "Jack" at Vizio. It is a set of customer service...

Resources: Writing in Plain Language at NTSB

Webinar 1 Where to find plain language award winners and heroes: http://www.plainenglishawards.org.nz/about/plain-english-awards-about/ https://centerforplainlanguage.org https://plainlanguage.gov https://www.lwionline.org Some federal agencies give their own plain...

For Entrepreneurs: How to Grow Your Virtual Network, Sincerely

We’ve all experienced the highs and lows of having a personal virtual network. We enjoy the highs—reconnecting on Facebook with your best friend from high school—and we suffer the lows—scrolling through a cousin’s Instagram pics of every plate of food she’s ever...

Put Us Out of Our Misery: The End of Customer Service Email?

Predicting the death of email may seem risky for a consultant who helps frontline customer service agents improve their writing skills, but I’m here and I’m doing it. Throughout the 2000s and the 2010s, email was the workhorse customer service channel—an easy, modern...

Why You Should Be (Business) Friends With Your Competitors

When I started my business 24 years ago, I believed I should have a “versus” attitude toward my competitors. It was their offering versus mine, right? One company had to win, didn’t it? Like many people, I thought that getting ahead in business meant getting ahead of...

You Can Take Two of My LinkedIn Learning Writing Courses for Free!

Free online courses for job-seekers Microsoft and LinkedIn have announced a joint effort to accelerate economic recovery and make sure it's inclusive. To help people get the skills they need to land their next jobs, they have made 10 LinkedIn Learning role-based...

With Only Seven Words, You Can Help Someone Who’s Struggling

This is a guest post by my friend and colleague, Jeff Janes. Here's how Jeff describes himself: "I travel the world to find things to photograph and write about." Jeff is currently based in the Arabian Gulf. "Like many people, I have some medical conditions. While...

UE Content Writing Workshop: Writing for the Web

Webinar 2 - Content Writing Workshop: Writing “Insights” Articles (July 6, 2020) Insights Content Type Template_UE_July2020 Combatting-Food-Insecurity-on-Campus_Insights_UE_BEFORE Combatting-Food-Insecurity-on-Campus_Insights_UE_AFTER Slide 12 UE Insights: Combatting...

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