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You Can Take Two of My LinkedIn Learning Writing Courses for Free!

by | Jul 2, 2020 | Featured, Uncategorized, Writing Matters Blog | 0 comments

Free online courses for job-seekers

Microsoft and LinkedIn have announced a joint effort to accelerate economic recovery and make sure it’s inclusive. To help people get the skills they need to land their next jobs, they have made 10 LinkedIn Learning role-based learning paths and 4 “soft skills” learning paths free!

Two of my writing courses are included in these course bundles, so now you or your staff can complete these courses without paying a cent:

Go to Opportunity.LinkedIn.com to get started with free online training.

These 10 learning paths will be free through March 2021 and are available in English, French, Spanish and German.

Here are the 10 free LinkedIn Learning role-based learning paths:

  1. Software developer: Become a Software Developer
  2. Sales representative: Become a Sales Representative
  3. Project manager: Become a Project Manager
  4. IT Administrator: Prepare for CompTIA Network+ Certification
  5. Customer service specialist: Become a Customer Service Specialist  – You’ll find my writing course in this learning path
  6. Digital marketer: Become a Digital Marketing Specialist
  7. IT support/help desk: Prepare for the CompTIA A+ Certification   
  8. Data analyst: Become a Data Analyst
  9. Financial analyst: Become a Financial Analyst
  10. Graphic designer: Become a Graphic Designer

Here are the four learning paths that help people develop much-needed “soft skills”:

  1. Job seeker: Finding a Job During Challenging Economic Times
  2. Critical soft skills: Master In-Demand Professional Soft Skills  – You’ll find my writing course in this learning path
  3. Digital transformation: Digital Transformation in Practice: Virtual Collaboration Tools (combination of digital fluency and remote work)  
  4. Allyship and Inclusive Conversations: Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging for All

This might seem like a picky comment given all the wonderful free training and job search tools LinkedIn is providing, but I would never refer to any skill as soft. Want to know why? Read my article, Death to the Term “Soft Skills.” 🙂



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