E-WRITE_Handouts_Consistent-Communication-Omnichannel-World_Support-Driven_11July2019 E-WRITE_Handouts_How-to-Hire-Agents-Who-Have-Great-Writing-Skills_SupportDriven_Expo_11July2019 ...
Technical Writing
Webinar recording: How to Develop an Agency Brand Voice That Connects With Customers Online
Is your company or government agency using a tone of voice that connects with customers online, or is it using a stale, bureaucratic voice that repels them and breeds distrust or confusion? In this recorded webinar, I cover what brand voice is and how it’s governed. I...
Advanced Writing Workshop for Communicators – Ellucian
Module 2 OP-ED: College used to be about personal growth. Now, it’s just career prep Build a Success-Friendly Campus Module 3 NIH Research Matters Engineered phages treat drug-resistant infection Arizona Rural Hospital Facilities and Market Study A survey of U.S....
Write Content That Connects – WMATA
NIH Research Matters - http://www.nih.gov/researchmatters/index.htm "Eating Highly Processed Foods ..." https://www.nih.gov/news-events/nih-research-matters/eating-highly-processed-foods-linked-weight-gain Arizona Rural Hospital Facilities and Market Study...
Getting Our Stories Straight: How to Deliver Consistent Communication in an Omnichannel World
You know that scene in the heist movie? The one that comes right after the criminals rob the bank but right before the cops bust in? When the ringleader says, “We’ve got to get our stories straight or we’re all going to jail for a long, long time…” Aside from...
Presentation Inspiration Workshop: Feb 21, 2019 – ICI
7 Presentation Inspiration Ideas Images. Use lots of images of people. KPMG's "2018 Global CEO Outlook" Storytelling. KPMG's "Global Construction Survey 2016" Clean, bare slides; no corporate PPT template. Deloitte United States: "Achieving digital maturity: Adapting...
Resources: Social Media Style Guides
Social Media Style Guide examples MailChimp VoiceandTone.com: Press Release guidelines MailChimp: Writing for Social Media Society of Women Engineers: Social Media Style Guide World Health Organization: the Social Media section of the Framework for Effective...
Yes, Writing to Customers in Social Media Does Require Special Skills
Wow. It's been a decade since companies began offering customer service via social media, and we certainly have improved over the years! We've shed outsized fears about being criticized by customers in public (gasp). We're using purpose-built tools to manage social...
Writing for the Web – APTA
New APTA home page New APTA interior page #1 New APTA interior page #2 How to join the Light Rail Transit Association AAR - Freight Rail's Impact NIH Research Matters NIH - Test predicts whether chemotherapy will help early-stage breast cancer patients Teach...
Nine Tips for Helping Your Customer Service Agents Write Better-Faster Emails
With the rise of SMS, chat, and social media, is using email for customer service as quaint as sending postal mail? "Tell us about the old days, Grandpa. Did you really have to lick an envelope to seal it?" No, the customer service email channel is not the least bit...