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EInspirations’ Entry in the “Office Plants” E-Mail Contest

by | Mar 2, 2010 | Writing Matters Blog

To: All Staff
From: Office of Environmental Safety
Subject: Office Plants

Plants add tremendously to the office environment and atmosphere. However, plants in several offices are not being properly maintained, leading to plant-born infestations. Staff members are solely responsible for the care of their plants.

Here are a few guidelines:

  • Minimize the number of plants in your office space. Each employee should have a maximum of two plants.
  • Remove plants that require higher maintenance.
  • Do not overwater your plants! Plants grown in offices usually need less water.
  • Constantly check your plants.

Plants are not equal in adapting to a particular office environment. The Office of Environmental Safety is committed to ensuring a safe and healthy work environment. Citations will be given to those who continually neglect their office plants, and plants of repeated offenders will be removed.

If you need any assistance in caring for or removing your plant, please contact the Office of Environmental Safety via the Intranet at http://BestCompany/OES/WeLovePlants.


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