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Missy Curry’s Entry in the “Office Plants” E-Mail Contest

by | Mar 2, 2010 | Writing Matters Blog

To: All Staff
From: Office of Environmental Safety
Subject: The proper care of office plants

Plants can be a gift to the office environment. Unfortunately, when not properly cared for, they can deliver “gifts” of their own in the form of insect infestations.

Recently, the Office of Environmental Safety identified plants in several offices not receiving proper care. In some cases, this neglect caused the plants to become infested.

Remember, if you bring your own plant to the office, you are responsible for its care. Here are some guidelines to follow:

  • Minimize the number of plants in your office. The maximum recommended number of plants per office is two.
  • Select a plant that requires little or no maintenance.
  • Do not overwater your plant! With constant light levels, low humidity and cool, comfortable temperatures, office plants need less water. 
  • Each plant adapts to the office environment differently. Check your plant occasionally to ensure its health.

The Office of Environmental Safety and the Office of Building Management are committed to ensuring a safe and healthy work environment. Neglected plants will be removed, and their owners will be cited. If you have concerns about the care of your office plant or would like it to be removed, contact the Office of Environmental Safety via the Intranet.

Please care for your plants!


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