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Checklist: Nine interview questions you must ask applicants about their writing skills

by | Whitepapers & Tools | 2 comments

You’ve spent all morning digging through cover letters, resumes, and writing samples. It’s not easy to figure out whether an applicant has excellent writing skills or even competent ones, and it’s painful to discover after you’ve made an offer that your new employee is a poor writer. Download this Checklist, and you’ll receive nine interview questions that will help you understand whether the person you’re interviewing has the writing skills to do the job. When you pose some or all of these questions during the interview, you’ll learn all you need to know about an applicant’s writing skills, problem-solving strategies, and experience helping colleagues with their writing. And, best of all, you’ll avoid “hirer’s remorse.”

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  1. I just completed your LinkedIn Learning presentation on Writing in Plain Language, unhappily all of the PDF downloads you referenced in the video are no longer available for download so I am unable to use the exercises.

    If they are available, please send them to me.

  2. Hello, Joyce –
    I’m sorry to learn you’re having trouble downloading the Exercise Files for my LinkedIn Learning course on Writing in Plain Language. At the main course page — https://www.linkedin.com/learning/writing-in-plain-language/why-write-in-plain-language?autoplay=true — please go to Overview > Exercise Files. When you click, you’ll be able to unzip and download the Exercise Files.

    If that approach doesn’t work, please contact LinkedIn Learning Help at https://www.linkedin.com/help/learning. I’m certain they’ll be able to help you download the files.

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