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Genie Smith’s Entry in the “Office Plants” E-Mail Contest

by | Mar 2, 2010 | Writing Matters Blog

To: All Staff

From: Office of Environmental Safety
Subject: Office Plants

Plants are fun and fabulous. But they also host insects and microbes. In fact, we recently found that bugs procreating on some neglected plants had infested the office. These bugs can make people sick!

  • Please care for your plants, for their sake and ours.
  • Remove or kill all but two of your plants.
  • Keep only low-maintenance plants.
  • Don’t over-water your plants! They don’t need to drink much in this cool, well-lighted office.
  • Check your plants regularly, remembering their different needs.

OES wants you all to be healthy and safe.  If you continue to neglect your plants, you will be cited and punished. If you do not or cannot move your sick, infested, or dead plants, we will. We might even remove you.

For help, please email us.


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