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Writing Content For Your Company’s Intranet: How To Reach Your Colleagues

by | Web writing courses | 0 comments

Writing well for your company’s Intranet should be easy, right?  After all, the users are your colleagues.  But writing for your Intranet can be challenging for many reasons: you have too much information and too little time to edit or rewrite, you haven’t been given adequate writing standards, or you need to find a place for your content within the ever-growing Intranet.  In this course, you’ll learn how to develop content that meets users’ needs and prevent your Intranet from becoming a company junk drawer.

What you will learn:

  • the basic web writing principles that will help you create useful Intranet content
  • how to provide lots of information online without overwhelming your readers
  • how to develop Intranet writing standards to share with your colleagues or staff to improve the quality of Intranet content
  • how to write content that “markets” your department or project to the rest of the company

Course length: one day


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