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Measure e-mail quality for book publisher

by | Benchmarking | 0 comments


Measure the quality of e-mails sent to customers by the world’s largest publisher and distributor of children’s books.

Our Assignment

  • Customize our E-Mail Quality Review Tool for this benchmarking project
  • Review and score a set of 50 randomly chosen customer service e-mails
  • Write a report explaining our assessment of the quality of the publisher’s  customer service e-mail
  • Provide the publisher with the raw scores on the e-mails benchmarked in the study


Our benchmarking study highlighted the publisher’s successes in communicating with customers and pointed out areas for improvement. To address these needs, we

  • structured a training project to help improve customer service agents’ writing skills
  • delivered customized writing courses onsite
  • led the publisher’s training team through our Train-the-Trainer process and certified their trainers to teach our customer service e-mail writing courses


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