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Live Chat with Customers: On-Demand Online Course

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This on-demand online course–hosted by SOCAP–will equip you with essential skills to use live chat in your customer care and engagement operations. This comprehensive three-part training course on live chat and how to get measurable results is perfect for your entire team, including agents, managers or supervisors.

Customers love chat. Across demographics, they’re using it to connect with companies. Whether your customer care organization is already chatting with customers or you’re planning to launch chat, you need to know how to do chat right. Enroll in this three-session online course, and you’ll learn:

  • How to develop high-quality chat
  • How to choose agents who can chat with customers
  • How to measure the quality of your chat communication
  • How to tell whether your team is succeeding at chat

During this short course, instructor Leslie O’Flahavan or E-WRITE will share real-life successes in chat, including a brand case study from Jockey International. Glean insights from their experiences with chat and enhance your operations.


  • SOCAP Member: $99.00
  • Non-Member: $149.00

Watch a brief selection of the course content (with apologies for the poor quality of the audio…)

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