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Writing for the Web: National Alliance on Mental Illness

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Welcome! I am looking forward to meeting you at our Writing for the Web course on August 14. Before the course, please complete this brief pre-course assignment.


1. Study these two web pages. At each page, the authors have used a natural, readable style to write about a technical, sophisticated topic. What writing strategies did they use to achieve this style?


2. Review this well-written NAMI web page. What did the writers do to make this page readable and useful? 


3. Review this  NAMI web page: Treatment and Services: Supported Employment.
This NAMI page isn’t easy to read. It needs to be rewritten. Below, I have listed six ways the writer could edit this page to make it better. Which three of these ways do you think are most important? Why?

  • Make it shorter
  • Add hypertext links to other content at the NAMI site
  • Add subheadings
  • Revise the main title so it conveys a message, not just a topic
  • Update it so it presents more current information
  • Move the main message from the end to the beginning


4. Read these two usability studies that describe how people read online. Do the findings of these usability studies match the way you read web content?



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