301-989-9583 info@ewriteonline.com

E-mail newsletters are the mainstay of online publishing. But with readers inundated, how do you create a newsletter that stands out, one your subscribers are eager to receive? This course will provide an overview of different types of e-mail newsletters and help you to decide what type of e-newsletter you should publish.

What you will learn:

  • How to choose or develop content for your newsletter
  • How to set an appropriate tone in your writing
  • How to write a must-open subject line
  • How to develop a newsletter content formula to match your business goals
  • How to archive back issues of your newsletter

During this course, you’ll receive the instructor’s and other participants’ feedback on your existing newsletter. And you will have the opportunity to practice writing targeted newsletter content for subscribers.

You’ll receive a copy of MailerMailer’s Email Marketing Metrics Report, which gives you the newest information on:

  • Open, click, and bounce/delivery rates by industry
  • How quickly subscribers open your messages
  • How personalization affects open and click rates
  • Best and worst days of the week to send e-mails
  • Tips and suggestions to improve your e-mail marketing performance

Course length: one day or half day


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