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Nov 1 – Plain Language Writing Workshop: Six Strategies For Clearing The Clutter From Your Writing

by | Oct 26, 2011 | Plain Language Writing Courses, Writing Matters Blog | 0 comments

Need to get up to speed on plain language? Interested in improving your own writing skills and learning how to improve the documents you edit for others? Enroll in this practical, hands-on, half-day workshop and gain strategies for writing in plain language. Learn how to use clear, accurate wording that will help your reader do what you ask and understand what you mean.

Register for the November 1 workshop

You’ll learn six strategies for clearing the clutter from your writing:

  • How to tailor your writing to your readers’ needs
  • How to use a two-tier process for editing for conciseness
  • How to make your writing scannable
  • How, and when, to display information in vertical lists or tables
  • How to cut word count by 10 percent, 25 percent, or even 50 percent
  • How, and why, to write in active voice

You’ll learn about complying with the recent plain language law:

  • What is the Plain Writing Act of 2010?
  • How will this legislation affect government agencies?
  • How should corporations and non-profits respond to this law?

You should attend this workshop if you:

  • Value clarity in written communication
  • Need to improve your writing skills
  • Want to be able to explain to colleagues why their writing needs to be edited
  • Want to learn how recent plain language laws will affect writing in the government and beyond

You will receive

  • A notebook containing course exercises and resources
  • Before-and-after examples that show the power of a plain language rewrite
  • A plain language resource list

Register now!

Questions about the November 1 Plain Language Writing Workshop? Call 301-989-9583 or send an e-mail to Leslie@ewriteonline.com


Tags: Plain language, Writing Skills


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