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Pet Peeves Of Written Customer Service: Google Hangout with CommBetterBlog

by | Oct 6, 2014 | Writing Matters Blog | 3 comments

Check it out! Jenny Dempsey and Jeremy Watkin of Communicate Better Blog invited me to hang out with them and talk about our pet peeves of written customer service. We had plenty of peeves — customers who write in ALL CAPS, agents who write long emails without answering the customer’s question — and plenty of faves, too. Watch our hangout and share what drives you crazy in customer service email, chat, text, or social.

(Programming note: Please forgive the audio awkwardness from 1:00 to about 1:32. It’s all my fault.)

Tags: Customer service, Customer service e-mail, Social Customer Service, Text


  1. I feel that this video could benefit from some editing. I am sure that the aim was for a casual coffee conversation “training” but it came across as annoying. I really would love to hear more about this topic however I couldn’t sit through 1. amatureness of this video and 2. the length. It would be more impactful broken into 3 to 6 smaller clips.

  2. Thanks for your candid comments, Pam. I’s sorry that the video missed the mark for you. I agree that the video could benefit from some editing. I’d better put that on the to-do list.

  3. I suffered bad reviews in my content exams because I had no clue about the paragraphs.

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