Nine Things We’d Like You to Know About E-WRITE
1. We’re experts in online communication.
2. We’ll write your web content for you or coach you to write it yourself. We’ve written content for the Smithsonian Institution, American Forest Foundation, GEICO, and many others. Let us help you make your words work online.
3. We’ll teach you to write for online readers. Trying to make the print-to-web transition? We can help. Our courses are hands-on, customized, and practical.
4. We’re plain language advocates and experts. We teach online and onsite plain language courses for Web Manager University. We can help your organization understand what plain language is and how to comply with the Plain Writing Act. We’re even on the Center for Plain Language’s referral list of trainers and consultants.
5. We’ll help you ensure content and e-mail quality. Whether you’re writing web or Intranet content or customer service e-mail and chat, we can help you develop a content strategy, produce a style guide so everyone knows what the “rules” are, and measure the quality of what you write.
6. We wrote the book on how to write clear, correct, concise e-mail to customers. Really. We wrote Clear, Correct, Concise E-Mail: A Writing Workbook for Customer Service Agents to teach contact center staff to write one-and-done e-mail to customers. We also wrote the E-Mail Writing Skills Competency Exam, so you can test whether your staff or job applicants have the writing skills they need.
7. We believe good writers are made, not born.
8. We’ve taught writing courses for just about everyone. Over the last 16 years, we’ve offered lots of customized writing training for people in every walk of work life: marketers, demographers, nurses, statisticians, teachers, epidemiologists, conservationists, the Navy’s special warfare development group, and many, many more.
9. We’re online publishers, just like you. We publish a blog, Writing Matters, and newsletter, the E-Writing Bulletin. You can also catch us on Twitter and Facebook where we publish relevant, engaging content in itty bitty chunks.
Contact us so we can get to know you.