301-989-9583 info@ewriteonline.com

Knowledgebases & Template Libraries

Need help rewriting your knowledgebase?

Overgrown. Chaotic. Untidy. Outdated. Have I just described your knowledgebase? Or your customer service team’s library of email, chat or social media templates?

I can rewrite your knowledgebase articles and templates or coach your in-house writers to rewrite them. I’ve helped airlines, government agencies, food manufacturers, pharmaceutical companies, and construction equipment and automobile manufactuers clean up KBs and template libraries that have been weighing them down for years.

I can help you:

  • Prioritize templates, so we begin by rewriting the ones that matter most
  • Establish a consistent structure and reusable wording for the templates
  • Rewrite the templates so they are easy to read, on-brand, and easy to customize, when necessary
  • Create a writing style guide that ensures consistency when the templates need to be updated in the future

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